Thanks for writing and scheduling your launch communication. The heavy lifting is finally over. Now it’s finally time to start making sales. Here’s the next step.

Your referral link. Log in to your affiliate portal and your referral link will be at the top of your dashboard. Copy and paste that referral link into the button on your LOLB go to page. So step 5 is all about the different iterations of your LOLB go to page from the Thursday before the VIP Wait List premieres all the way to the day after the registration doors close on this year’s LOLB launch. After all, your entire communication is written out and scheduled and is all pointing to your LOLB go to page so now the only thing in the back end you need to worry abut is… the actual LOLB go to page. So… BOOKMARK THIS PAGE!

Set in your calendar the dates of when you should change your LOLB go to page from third, to fourth, and to fifth iteration. The dates and pricing of the different levels (Super-Early Bird, Early Bird, and Full Tuition) are in your contract.


Here is an example of how your LOLB go to page should look like the Thursday before the VIP Wait List premieres. This third iteration of your LOLB go to page will stay this way until the Monday morning when registration doors officially open. Please note the dates mentioned in the Important Info section. This will change with each iteration of your LOLB go to page:

Join League Of List Builders and get my free bonuses

Grab the Super-Early Bird Special, save $300 off the full tuition price, and get all of my free bonuses:

  • Free Bonus 1

  • Free Bonus 2

  • Free Bonus 3

The only way to get all of the things listed above is to click the button below.
If you don’t click the button below you will not be able to get my free bonuses.

Once you have purchased LOLB please email me at (your email address)
saying you bought LOLB through me and I will give you access to my free bonuses.

Important info:
Super-Early Bird Special ends on Sunday, February 19 at 11:59pm
Early Bird Special is only offered from Monday, Feb. 20th - Wednesday, Feb. 22nd at 11:59pm
Full Tuition is only offered from Thursday, Feb. 23 - Sunday, Feb. 26
Registration doors close on Sunday, Feb. 26 at 11:59pm
Course runs from Feb. 27 - April 7th
Course will not be offered again until 2025


Here is an example of how your LOLB go to page should look like the Monday morning when registration doors officially open. This fourth iteration of your LOLB go to page will stay this way until the Thursday morning when the price changes from Early Bird Special to Full Tuition. Please note the dates mentioned in the Important Info section. This will change with each iteration of your LOLB go to page.

Join League Of List Builders and get my free bonuses

Grab the Early Bird Special, save $200 off the full tuition price, and get all of my free bonuses:

  • Free Bonus 1

  • Free Bonus 2

  • Free Bonus 3

The only way to get all of the things listed above is to click the button below.
If you don’t click the button below you will not be able to get my free bonuses.

Once you have purchased LOLB please email me at (your email address)
saying you bought LOLB through me and I will give you access to my free bonuses.

Important info:
Early Bird Special is only offered from Monday, Feb. 20th - Wednesday, Feb. 22nd at 11:59pm
Full Tuition is only offered from Thursday, Feb. 23 - Sunday, Feb. 26
Registration doors close on Sunday, Feb. 26 at 11:59pm
Course runs from Feb. 27 - April 7th
Course will not be offered again until 2025


If you’re not sure if LOLB is right for you feel free to email me at (your email address) so we can figure out of LOLB is a good fit for you.


Here is an example of how your LOLB go to page should look like the Thursday morning when the price has gone up from Early Bird Special to Full Tuition. This fifth iteration of your LOLB go to page will stay this way until the Monday morning when the registration doors close. Please note the dates mentioned in the Important Info section. This will change with each iteration of your LOLB go to page.

Join League Of List Builders and get my free bonuses

Save your spot with this year’s run of League Of List Builders at the full tuition price and get all of my free bonuses:

  • Free Bonus 1

  • Free Bonus 2

  • Free Bonus 3

The only way to get all of the things listed above is to click the button below.
If you don’t click the button below you will not be able to get my free bonuses.

Once you have purchased LOLB please email me at (your email address)
saying you bought LOLB through me and I will give you access to my free bonuses.

Important info:
Super-Early Bird Special ends on Sunday, February 19 at 11:59pm
Early Bird Special is only offered from Monday, Feb. 20th - Wednesday, Feb. 22nd at 11:59pm
Full Tuition is only offered from Thursday, Feb. 23 - Sunday, Feb. 26
Registration doors close on Sunday, Feb. 26 at 11:59pm
Course runs from Feb. 27 - April 7th
Course will not be offered again until 2025


If you’re not sure if LOLB is right for you feel free to email me at (your email address) so we can figure out of LOLB is a good fit for you.


The Super-Early Bird Special and the Early Bird Special ends and the Full Tuition registration doors close all at 11:59pm. Do I have to stay up until 11:59pm to change my LOLB go to page? 

No. Just put a reminder in your calendar on the morning after the 1:59pm deadline to change it on your LOLB go to page. That way any stragglers or students and followers in other countries will have enough time to get in. Please make it a priority to change it the first thing you do on that MORNING. If done any later, we may have complications in the student registration process.

How do I see if a student or follower of mine purchased LOLB through my referral link?
Log in to your affiliate referral page and right there on the dashboard you will see the name of your student or follower who bought LOLB through your affiliate link. They also had the instruction to email you after they used your link so if they haven’t done that yet, tehn feel free to reach out to them congratulating them on joining LOLB through you and set up your delivery of their free goodies.

Can I reach out to people who joined in on our joint webinar via email or DM and ask them if they’re interested in joining LOLB?

Yes. just don’t make it spammy. Reach out to them asking if they have any questions for you about your LOLB experience. Usually they will say yes and ask away. The main hurdle for them will be time. “I just don’t have time”. Remind them of the Lifetime Access to the course and that they only pay once and have access to LOLB for the rest of their life. Also, if they need a nudge you are more than welcome to say that the course is only offered once every 2 years. Do they really want to be in the same place they are now in 2 years time? Or do they want to learn how to build their client list now, use the lifetime access, and be somewhere they never expected to be in 2 years. That usually gets them off the couch to grab their credit card to purchase the course haha.

What if students and followers email me or message me about LOLB? What should I say?

Answer their questions. Be a resource to them. Don’t force your LOLB go to page link on them. Just be there for them. Answer their questions from your perspective on how LOLB helped you work through the struggles they are going through now. Finish your message with an open question to continue the convo. For example, “So what else are you struggling with with your marketing? Let me know.” If they come back with more (which they probably will) then answer their questions. When they don’t have any more questions then you can gently nudge them in the direction of your LOLB go to page if you feel LOLB and your free bonuses would be a good fit for them.

What if students and followers don’t go through me - even if I’ve been working so hard to get them to go through me? 

Shrug it off. Don’t stress about it. This may happen to one or two of your students and followers. Just keep promoting LOLB and your free bonuses and being crystal clear that the only way they can get your free bonuses is if they go through you. No exceptions.

What if my student accidentally doesn’t use my LOLB go to page, purchases the course, and think they are getting my free bonuses? What do I say?

You’ve set up your LOLB Affiliate launch beautifully. But sometimes, people get confused no matter how hard you try to direct them. At the end of the day, people have difficulty following directions even when those directions are laid out crystal clear. Unfortunately, if they didn’t use your LOLB go to page to purchase LOLB through you and also get your free bonuses, then they won’t get your free bonuses. Period. No exception. Their loss.

You could say that they could cancel their recent purchase of LOLB, get their money back, and then go through your LOLB go to page but if they originally purchased at a cheaper price and only later did they realise that they made the mistake and now the price is higher than before, well then that’s the price they have to pay to get your free bonuses and to learn the lesson to follow directions.

When is the LOLB Affiliate payout? 

Because there is a 30 day money back guarantee for LOLB we must keep in mind that although your affiliate dashboard says one thing, one of your students could change their mind and want their money back. That’s why the LOLB Affiliate Payout doesn’t happen until a few days after the 30 day money back guarantee. The countdown to the 30 days begins on Day 1 of the course. refer to your contract to see when the course officially begins then add 30 days to it. That is the cut-off date for students to get their money back.

What if someone asks for their money back within the 30 day money back guarantee and that student is one of my students who went through me to purchase LOLB? 

You will not get your commission from that student and that student must also be removed from your free bonus goodies. If it’s digital then that’s a simple removal from your free bonus goodie. If it’s a physical product that has already been shipped then you must communicate with your student to find the right way to handle it. Only you and your student will be able to come to a decision on that. If it’s a coaching session then that session will have to be canceled.

Now it’s time to stay on track of the iterations of your LOLB go to page and promote it.

Link example:

Timing: promote your LOLB go to page from now until the registration doors close on the last Sunday of Full Tuition at 11:59pm.

Once you have the third iteration of your LOLB go to page set up, email me at so I can take a look at it and give you a round of applause!

This is where the rubber hits the road. You’ve done all the hard work of setting up your communication, now it’s time to share your offerings with your students and followers and answer any questions they may have during the run of this launch.

And as always, I’m here to help if you have any questions. Here’s to a great launch!

In gratitude,


P.S. Here are all of the Affiliate Steps if you’d like to see everything at a glance.
Welcome Affiliates Page