You just got an email asking to confirm your subscription. Please click the button that says confirm subscription so you can get all the LOLB Affiliate emails. If you have been an LOLB Affiliate in the past, you still need to confirm your subscription. So please do so now.

The next step is to read, date, and sign your LOLB Affiliate Contract. Inside you will find all of the vital rules and regulations of this round of LOLB launch. Download the contract below, print it out, and follow the instructions below to fill it out correctly.


To create your LOLB Affiliate profile and in doing so create your special LOLB referral link, click the button below to go to Affiliatly. Affiliatly is my affiliate program software.Then come on back to this page.

Once you’ve created your profile, you will get an email from Affiliatly. In that email it will give you a link to log in to your panel. Click on that link to view your LOLB Affiliate panel. BOOKMARK THIS LINK AS WELL. That link will bring you to your dashboard where you can see in real time who has used your link to purchase LOLB and many other cool things pertaining to your Affiliate status.

At the top of your Affiliate panel you will find a special referral code that looks something like https://leagueoflistbuilders.com/lolb?aff= and then a number. THIS IS YOUR REFERRAL LINK. Please save it in a safe place.

Your referral link is only valid from now until the last day of this year’s run of LOLB Launch. Once the launch is over, your referral link will no longer work. If you enjoyed being an LOLB Affiliate for this round of LOLB launch and would like to be an affiliate for the next round of LOLB launch, you will have to go through the profile creation step again. This is the only way that we can ensure that your friends purchase LOLB in the time window of this year’s launch and is as successful as possible without any confusion.


VIP WAIT LIST: Monday, Feb. 13 - Sunday, Feb. 19
(VIP Wait List webpages and videos will only be available during the above mentioned dates. The rest of the time these webpages and videos will be locked up and password protected. More on that later.)


EARLY BIRD SPECIAL: Monday, Feb. 20 - Wednesday, Feb. 22

EARLY BIRD SPECIAL ENDS: Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 11:59pm

FULL TUITION: Thursday, Feb. 23 - Sunday, Feb. 26

REGISTRATION DOORS CLOSE: Sunday, Feb. 26 at 11:59pm

Please fill in the above dates into your contract.


There are 4 price categories for LOLB. And they are:
Price Category 1: Inner Circle
Price Category 2: Super-Early Bird Special (VIP)
Price Category 3: Early Bird Special
Price Category 4: Full Tuition

Price Category 1: Inner Circle

My membership site Inner Circle gets an amazing deal (called an Inner Circle Perk) when they purchase LOLB. It’s 40% off of the full tuition price just for being a member. The full tuition price of LOLB is $997. 40% off $997 is $398.80. So my Inner Circle members only pay $598.20

Price Category 2: Super-Early Bird Special (VIP)

Anyone who signs up to my VIP Wait List will have access to the VIP Wait List videos and Super- Early Bird Special.
PLEASE NOTE: The Super-Early Bird Special is ONLY available to people who sign up for my VIP Wait List. The Super-Early Bird Special is only available during the 1 week long run of the VIP Wait List. (See dates above for when that is.) There are 2 investment options for the Super-Early Bird Special which is only available to people on my (or your) VIP Wait List. Those 2 investment options are 10 tiny payments of $69.70 or 1 lump sum of $697. I will explain more about my (and possibly your) VIP Wait List once you have signed your contract.

Price Category 3: Early Bird Special

Once the VIP Wait List has closed (see dates above) the LOLB Registration doors officially open to absolutely everyone. There are 2 investment options for the Early Bird Special.Those 2 investment options are 10 tiny payments of $79.70 or 1 lump sum of $797.

Price Category 4: Full Tuition

Once the Early Bird Special is over (see dates above) the price goes up to full tuition. There are 2 investment options for the Full Tuition.Those 2 investment options are 10 tiny payments of $99.70 or 1 lump sum of $997.

As you can see, there are lots of price categories and lots of random odd numbers. To make this easy on everyone, as of now and forever more, I will round up and only use the 1 lump sum for all price categories. So this is approx. the price range of each price category give or take a few dollars.

For Price Category 1 (Inner Circle) $598.20 will be referred to as $600
For Price Category 2 (Super-Early Bird Special only for VIPs) $697 will be referred to as $700
For Price Category 3 (Early Bird Special) $797 will be referred to as $800
For Price Category 4 (Full Tuition) $997 will be referred to as $1000

Please fill in the above approx. price categories into your contract.


With these rounded up prices, let’s dive into your 50% commission on all 4 price categories.

For Price Category 1 (Inner Circle) approx. $600 - your 50% commission is approx. $300
For Price Category 2 (Super-Early Bird Special only for VIPs) approx. $700 - your 50% commission is approx. $350
For Price Category 3 (Early Bird Special) approx. $800 - your 50% commission is approx. $400
For Price Category 4 (Full Tuition) approx. $1000 - your 50% commission is approx. $500

So that means, for each of your friends who purchases LOLB in one of the 4 price categories. that 50% commission will be tracked in your affiliate profile dashboard, and saved in escrow until launch is over and we have passed the 30 day money back guarantee. If your friend purchases LOLB and asks for their money back within the 30 day money back guarantee, those funds that your friend paid will be refunded in full and you will not receive a 50% commission from your friend who asked for and received a refund.

Please fill in the above approx. 50% commission breakdown prices into your contract.

I know this is pedantic, however I want it to be ridiculously crystal clear what your commission is so there is no confusion in the future. We both want to avoid any uncomfortable money talks during or after launch that will impede our currently stable and mutual working relationship.

Then when you are done, read, sign, and date the bottom of your contract.

Once it is read, signed, and dated please scan your contract as a PDF and email it to support@jonathantilley.com with the subject: LOLB Affiliate Contract. I will review your contract and if everything is completed correctly I will sign it and send it back to you with the next steps on how to create the best LOLB launch for you and your friends.

In gratitude,
