Thanks for setting up your LOLB go to page and sending me your ideas for your free bonus goodie. It all looks great! Here’s the next step.

Our first joint webinar has been scheduled, and I’m super-excited. Thanks for having me! That said, you need to be prepared for what happens immediately after the webinar is over. So read everything below a few days before our joint webinar to get yourself mentally prepared for what happens after our joint webinar.

Also refer back to this page immediately after our joint webinar is finished to go step by step through everything to get you set up for success.

What to do immediately after we finish our joint webinar?

  • Download the zoom webinar

  • upload it to vimeo (or your preferred video hosting platform)

  • when the replay is uploaded to your preferred video hosting platform then go to your LOLB go to page, remove everything that was on it for people to sign up for our first joint webinar, and copy and paste the content below to in a second iteration of your LOLB go to page (

  • At the top of your LOLB go to page (, copy and paste the replay video(see below for the example)

  • below the replay video write some text about your big announcement and your free bonus goodie a la SAVE THE DATE (see below for the example) (the Save the date actual date is the Thursday before the VIP Wait List premieres)

  • below the text upload a graphic of your free bonus goodie and the LOLB course image (see below for the example)

  • if you wish, feel free to add a button below the graphic for new students and followers to be notified about the big announcement on the Thursday before the VIP Wait List premieres. This can either be added to your normal mailing list or the first joint webinar mailing list. You choose what’s best for you.

  • then finish writing your replay email draft on how it went and enticing the ones who couldn’t make it live to watch the replay

  • make sure there’s a button in that email that links to your LOLB go to page ( where the replay and your big announcement of your free bonus goodie info have just been embedded

  • and send it off to everyone who joined our joint webinar.

Here is an example:

My League Of List Builders Experience with Jonathan Tilley

SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, _______

On Thursday, ______ you’ll be able to join League Of List Builders with the Super-Early Bird Special AND get my free bonus (your free bonus goodie). All you have to do is use my referral link that I’ll post right here on this page on Thursday.

What happens after you send out the replay email on our joint webinar? 

Promote your LOLB go to page with your save the date and free bonus goodie info.


When posting on social about your save the date and free bonus goodie info be as hyper-specific as possible and get right to the point. In each post give 1 hyper-specific thing you learned from LOLB or 1 hyper-specific benefit of using your referral link. Then give the link for them to sign up via your LOLB go to page (

If you want to do a Facebook Live in your Facebook group or an Instagram Live on your Instagram, do the same thing but make it fit the format. For each Live you do, find one topic to talk about, give your audience value, talk about your free bonus goodie that they can only get by going through you, then offer the LOLB go to page ( link for them to learn more and, if you wish, sign up for your main newsletter to be the first informed. If on Facebook Live then you can write in the link before you go live. If on Instagram Live then either have your LOLB go to page (  be your link in bio or use a third party app like Linktree to have more than 1 link in your bio for your followers to choose from. 


When emailing out to your mailing list, feel free to elaborate more on what you learned during the course or what the benefits are of buying through you so they can get your free bonus goodie. One strategy that has worked best is doing a Facebook Live or Instagram Live (like mentioned above) once a week between after we finish our joint webinar until the Thursday before the VIP Wait List premieres. 

Then after going live, copy the link of that live, create a newsletter email with a few sentences giving a breakdown of what you talked about when you were live, embed the link of that Live in your newsletter email so they can watch it, and also in the P.S. section write a few sentences about your save the date and free bonus goodie with a link directly to your LOLB go to page ( for them to be the first to be informed.

Heres an example:

Hi there!

A lot of people have asked me over the years, how I built my client list. Was it through word of mouth? Posting on social media everyday? Crossing my fingers and holding my breath? 

On the contrary. 

I built my client list by direct email outreach. Research, prep, sending out a personalised cover letter, and following up. And I shared my experience of doing that in my latest Facebook Live. CLICK HERE to check it out. 

If you’re wondering how to get more clients, this is the structure and strategy that I used to get results. 

Have a great day!

(your name) 

P.S. The course I took that gave me that structure and strategy was League Of List Builders. And as luck would have it I’m an affiliate! When you purchase LOLB through me you not only get the course but also my free bonus goodie _________. Save the date: Thursday (the Thursday before the VIP Wait List premieres) to get your hands on it. CLICK HERE (link to your LOLB go to page)  to learn more and be the first informed. 


Another idea to create buzz about the Thursday before the VIP wait List premieres when you can sell LOLB and your free bonus goodie is to do a countdown on social media and / or in your Facebook group leading up to that Thursday. The best countdown timing for is 7 days. That gives them 1 week to countdown with you when you can finally sell LOLB and your free bonus goodie and make your followers and students feel part of the action. 

No matter how you promote your save the date and free bonus goodie info, as I always say, make it work for you. You know your students and followers best and what will vibe with them. So make it work for you, so you can make it work for them. 


Want to add some case study videos to your LOLB go to page to show the results that LOLB students get? Go for it! The best placement for these videos is at the bottom of your LOLB go to page, below the button.

Here’s the links to all LOLB case study videos of students singing their praises for LOLB. Copy the link and embed it into your LOLB go to page at the bottom for best results:

Ally 1:

Ally 2:

Diana 1:

Diana 2:

Diana 3:

Drew 1:

Mike 1:

Sybil 1:

Sybil 2:


Why am I not promoting the VIP Wait List? 

The VIP Wait List works best when it’s only run through me. Having affiliates promote the VIP Wait List just confuses your followers and students. Do they buy through me without your free bonus goodie or do they buy through you? The best way to look at it is this way: As an affiliate you are able to sell LOLB before the VIP Wait List premieres at the Super-Early Bird price plus they get your free bonus goodie. This is your time to shine without the distraction of the VIP Wait List which could pull your followers and students away from you and bring them over to me. So you have your free bonus goodie and are able to sell LOLB at the Super-Early Bird Special the Thursday before the VIP Wait List premieres, and I only have the VIP Wait List wit no free bonus goodie. 

What if a few of my students and followers are also on your VIP Wait List?

Then it’s your job to use the time form your Save the date Thursday before the VIP Wait List premieres to use your referral link and not purchase LOLB through the VIP Wait List.

What if I want to know if a few of my students and followers are on your VIP Wait List?

That’s a lot of work for little to no outcome. If you really want to know then you can hire one of my virtual assistants to do the cross checking for you and pay them directly. But for what? You have a major advantage to start selling LOLB to your followers and students even before I can.

So I am allowed to start selling LOLB the Thursday before the VIP Wait List premieres? 

Yes. Only affiliates are allowed to sell LOLB for those 4 days. Even I won’t be able to start selling LOLB until The VIP Wait List premieres on the next Monday. That’s the benefit of being an affiliate. 

What happens when the VIP Wait List premieres on that Monday and runs for the whole week? Can I still sell LOLB with my free bonus goodie? 

Yes. And I recommend you do so because LOLB will be at the Super-Early Bird Special for only that week. We will get into that in the next step. 

What happens when the VIP Wait List is over? Can I still sell LOLB with my free bonus goodie? 

Yes. After the VIP Wait List is over - which means the Super-Early Bird Special is over - then we go into the official launch of LOLB with the Early Bird Special where the registration doors open to absolutely everyone.

Now it’s time to promote your save the date and free bonus goodie info.

With the graphics you downloaded from above, now it’s time to create a social media and email newsletter strategy that starts the moment you send out our joint webinar replay and ends the Wednesday night before the VIP Wait List videos premiere. I’d highly recommend that you make a content plan that you feel will resonate with your followers and students best.

Link example:

Timing: promote your save the date and free bonus goodie info from the moment you send out our first joint webinar replay to the Wednesday before the VIP wait List videos premiere.

Once you have the second iteration of your LOLB go to page set up with the replay and the save the date and free bonus goodie info looking all spiffy, email me at so I can take a look at it and give you a virtual high five! YAY! And also when your content plan is done, feel free to send it to me to look over. After all, 2 sets of eyes are better than 1.

Things are starting to pick up and this all can seem like a lot. From past LOLB launches I can 100% say that this part of the launch (which is creating the buzz) is the most time consuming. It will all get easier the Thursday before the VIP wait List premieres. When we get into the part of the launch when the registration doors are open, the Early Bird Special opens and closes, when the full tuition starts, and when the registration doors close… all of that is child’s play when compared to this part. You’re doing great. Keep going. You’ve got this.

In gratitude,


P.S. I’ll be in touch BEFORE your Save the date Thursday to get you ready to start selling LOLB and your free bonus goodie. Sit tight. Trust the plan.

Here are all of the Affiliate Steps if you’d like to see everything at a glance.
Welcome Affiliates Page