Thanks for your head shot and logo and setting up our 1 joint webinar before the VIP Wait List premieres. Here’s the next step.
Create a page on your website that will be the go to page for all things LOLB. Please use the slug as /lolb
So for example:
This page will be the go to page for all things LOLB. This page will be changing during the pre-launch and launch phases due to what is happening during pre-launch and launch so it’s best to have one page where your students and friends can visit to learn more about the course when you send them there.
WARNING: This LOLB go to page is NOT your referral link. When we are in the VIP Wait List and launch phase, you will embed your referral link INSIDE your LOLB go to page as a button. You MUST have a go to page for your students and friends to learn more about the course for them to THEN click on the button which will be your referral link.
With that out of the way, let’s build your LOLB go to page.
CLICK HERE to go to my media kit and download my head shots. Save them in a folder. You will be using them for your LOLB promo now and later.
CLICK HERE to download the official LOLB affiliate imagery. There are a few variations and formats. Please only use the variations and formats that best fit to your website, social media and branding.
When referring to League Of List Builders here are the do’s and don’ts of wording:
League Of List Builders
League Of List Builders - the creative person’s marketing plan to know exactly what to say, when to say it, and who to say it to
League Of List Builders LOLB (use one or the other but not both together)
LLB (the correct abbreviation is LOLB)
The first iteration of your LOLB go to page will be our first joint webinar opt in page. The vital info that should be on this page should be:
The title. The title of our first joint webinar should always have the name League Of List Builders in it. Many people aren’t familiar with the abbreviation of LOLB yet. During our first joint webinar I will explain the abbreviation of LOLB so it’s clear to everyone. Some examples of joint webinar titles are: “Learn more about League Of List Builders” or “The League Of List Builders Course Outline” or “What Is League Of List Builders” or “My League Of List Builders Success Story” or “My League Of List Builders Experience”. Feel free to add in my name at the end ”with Jonathan Tilley” if you like.
A graphic or video about the webinar. If you want to create a graphic with the LOLB affiliate imagery above, then go for it. If you want to create a short video inspiring people to sign up, then go for it. Make it work for you. There are no wrong answers.
A list of the things they will learn during our first joint webinar (make sure your free bonus goodie is hinted at to get them to sign up - more about your free bonus goodie below)
The date and time of our joint webinar
Some text saying that if they can’t make the webinar then a replay will be sent to them but only if they sign up for the webinar
A button to click for them to sign up for the webinar that is connected to your email newsletter software. The names and emails collected for this webinar should be added to a separate email newsletter list called “LOLB joint webinar” for example.
Here is an example:
My League Of List Builders Experience with Jonathan Tilley
Join me and special guest Jonathan Tilley for a free webinar where you will learn:
all about my League Of List Builders experience
the League Of List Builders course outline
how direct email marketing helped build my client list
how I got _____ results after taking League Of List Builders
ask Jonathan all of your questions about the course
and be the first to hear about a super-special deal that I will only announce at the end of the webinar
WHEN: Monday, January 1st at 9am Pacific / 12noon Eastern / 5pm UK / 6pm EU
Can’t make it live? A replay will be sent to you after the webinar finishes but you must sign up to get the replay
What happens after they sign up?
You can either redirect them to a thank you page (for example, your with the important info they’ll need (webinar link, date and time, etc.) or just have a pop up that says, “thanks for registering. Check your inbox for a confirmation email with all the free webinar details.” I’d recommend both.
Their name and email that is collected in your separate email newsletter list, for example “LOLB joint webinar”, should have an automatic welcome email with all of the vital info they need to join the webinar on the day. This can either be a simple email with all the vital info or it could also link to the thank you page ( for them to check out. Whatever works best for you.
Also please schedule a reminder email to just the “LOLB joint webinar” email list to be sent 1 hour before we begin with all the vital info again so they make sure to join in on the free webinar.
Then be proactive and draft your replay email now, so all you have to do after we finish the webinar is write in a few sentences of how it went and send it off. Please have the button on the replay email go to your LOLB go to page ( . Your LOLB go to page will turn into the replay page after the webinar.
What is my free bonus goodie?
At the end of our joint webinar it’s a great idea to announce your free bonus goodie. Your free bonus goodie is that extra special something your followers and students will get by using your referral link when it’s time to start selling LOLB. Use the time NOW before the webinar to get clear on what your free bonus goodie should be.
After all, it’s your job to get your students to use your referral link to not only join LOLB but also get your free bonus goodie. The more value your free bonus goodie is, the more inclined your students will be to use your referral link and not purchase through me or the other LOLB affiliates.
Crappy free bonus goodie ideas that will make your students say “meh” and purchase LOLB through me or other LOLB affiliates so you don’t make any money:
1x free piece of your merch OR
1x 30 min. one-on-one coaching session with you OR
1x copy of an old e-book you wrote 5 years ago
See how these free bonus goodies aren’t exciting to your students? They aren’t even worth that much individually. Think about it. That crappy free bonus goodie costs you a few minutes to organise and a few measly bucks from your business. That won’t cut it.
You must make your free bonus goodie something that is insanely exciting for them. Here are some insanely exciting free bonus goodie ideas that will make your students scream “YEEEES!” and purchase LOLB through your referral link so you make all the money:
7x free pieces of your merch AND
3x 1 hour long one-on-one coaching sessions with you AND
5x copies of your e-book that you had printed for them in hardcover that are all signed by you AND
1x annual free pass to your membership site AND
a pop-up Facebook group only for people who use your LOLB affiliate link where you have 1 weekly Q&A session during the run of LOLB to answer any of their questions and give them support
See the difference? They are worth so much more in the eyes of your student PLUS they get to join LOLB. It’s a no-brainer for them to use your referral link and not use my link or another LOLB affiliates link to purchase the course. What’s more, for you to organise everything and pay for those insanely exciting free bonus goodies - it’s not more than the commission you’re getting as an affiliate. It’s more of a thing of the time it takes to organise it all or spend time with your student to get them to the next level. All of the things listed above don’t cost that much money. It just costs time to organise it but it helps your student tremendously.
Get clear on what your free bonus goodie will be. Email me at with your ideas of what your free bonus goodie will be and I’ll give you my feedback. Your free bonus goodie should be decided upon before our joint webinar so you can announce it at the end of the webinar.
Now it’s time to promote our joint webinar.
With the graphic or video you’ve created for our joint webinar, feel free to post it in your Facebook group or groups, on social, and send it out to your normal email newsletter. Feel free to list hyper-specific benefits that they will get by signing up - what your experience was like, any specific numbers you’d like to share, how the course made you feel, etc. Also feel free to go live on social to raise awareness for our first joint webinar.
Link example:
Timing: promote our first joint webinar no more than 1 week before our joint webinar begins.
Once you have your LOLB go to page set up to promote our first joint webinar and you’ve decided what your free bonus goodie will be, then email me at so I can take a look at it all and cheer you on! I’m so looking forward to our joint webinar!
In gratitude,
P.S. Here are all of the Affiliate Steps if you’d like to see everything at a glance.
Welcome Affiliates Page