Thanks for your contract and your enthusiasm for this year’s launch of LOLB. Here’s the time line from now until the LOLB launch is over for you to prepare as an affiliate. This info will also be emailed to you a few days before we move on to each phase as a reminder. So take all of this in, refer to your contract for the dates, and know that this info will be sent to you again in a more broken down, step by step version when the time comes.
Take the time now to create a list of people who you think would benefit from joining LOLB. Reach out to them, send them an email or a DM and hop on a quick call with them. Below are some pre-written templates for you to use when reaching out to them. Ask them how their business is doing so far. Ask them what they’re goals are for their business in the future. Listen first. Then if you think LOLB would be a good fit for them then tell them about your experience with LOLB. If they seem interested in learning more then ask them to join the free VIP Wait List at That way they will be the best informed to learn more about the course and when it will be offered. The sooner you do this the better. Once you have a list of friends who you think would benefit from LOLB AND who are interested in the course, use that as your go to list for the VIP Wait List and launch run of LOLB. Make sure it has their name, email address, and any other info you think you need. Your go to list will be the place for you to go one by one and check in with your friends to keep them informed on the LOLB launch. For example, you can check in your affilaite dashboard if they purchase LOLB with your affilaite referral code. If they did, then mark in your go to list that they purchased LOLB. Send them a quick congrats email saying welcome to LOLB and thanks for using your affilaite referral link. Then focus on the friends who have not yet purchased LOLB with your affilaite referral link until launch is over.
One week before the VIP Wait List premieres (check your contract and the welcome page for those dates) refer back to your list of friends who you think would benefit from LOLB, and reach out to them. Ask them if they have any questions about LOLB. And double check if they have signed up for the LOLB VIP Wait List. If not guide them to once again to make sure they signed up and are good to go. Do not email me asking if your friends have signed up for the VIP Wait List. As an affiliate, it’s your responsibility to get them where they need to go.
Remember, they need to use your affiliate referral link in order for you to get your 50% commission. If they do not use your affiliate referral link, if they flake, if they forget, if they blank, then there’s no going back. They must use your affiliate referral link in oder for you to get your 50% commission.
During the week of the VIP Wait List videos (check your contract and the welcome page for those dates) there will be lots of promo from my side and other affilaites. So it’s your job to keep communicating with your list of friends who are interested in LOLB. During the week of the VIP Wait List videos, below each video they will have the opportunity to click a button and join LOLB. That link is not your affiliate referral link. You must make it crystal clear that if they want to join LOLB, they should not click the link below each VIP Wait List video. They should watch the VIP Wait List videos but click your affilaite referral link in order for you to get your 50% commission. Your affilaite referral link has been set up when you first became an LOLB Affiliate.
During the week of launch (check your contract and the welcome page for those dates) there will be lots of promo from my side and the other affilaites. It’s still your job to keep communicating with your list of friends who are interested in LOLB. During the week of launch there will be times when your friends will have the opportunity to click a button and join LOLB. That link is not your affilaite referral link. You must make it crystal clear that if they want to join LOLB, they should not click any other link other than your affiliate referral link in order for you to get your 50% commission. Your affilaite referral link has been set up when you first became an LOLB Affiliate.
After the LOLB launch is over (check your contract and the welcome page for those dates) then everyone’s affiliate referral link will be deactivated and the official LOLB link to join the course will also be deactivated. That means, once the launch is over then you can stop promoting LOLB.
Now let’s set up your branded communication. Here are some Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to promoting LOLB.
When referring to League Of List Builders here are the do’s and don’ts of wording:
League Of List Builders
League Of List Builders - the creative person’s marketing plan to know exactly what to say, when to say it, and who to say it to
League Of List Builders LOLB (use one or the other but not both together)
LLB (the correct abbreviation is LOLB)
Below is an example of how you can reach out to your friends to get the ball rolling. Remember to change the wording so it feels more like you.
Hi there!
A lot of people have asked me over the years, how I built my client list. Was it through word of mouth? Posting on social media everyday? Crossing my fingers and holding my breath?
On the contrary.
I built my client list by direct email outreach. Research, prep, sending out a personalised cover letter, and following up. Basically, all the things I learned in the online course League Of List Builders.
I was thinking that League Of List Builders could be a good fit for you, too. And this time around I’m an affilaite of the course. Want to hop on a call to talk about it?
(your name)
Below is an example of what you can write to your friends after your quick call with them to make sure they sign up to the LOLB VIP Wait List. Remember to change the wording so it feels more like you.
Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with me about League Of List Builders. I think it would be a good fit for you.
Here’s the link to the free VIP Wait List where you’ll get 5 free videos explaining what LOLB is, save $100 off the Early Bird Special, and hear past students’ success stories on how they made the online course work for them:
Let me know when you sign up as a VIP and we can celebrate!
I’m aslo an affiliate of the course. So when you use my League Of List Builders referral link (which I can give you later) when the official launch begins I get a special something.
So mark your calendar for Monday, (date of when the VIP Wait List premieres - check your contract for that specific date). That’s when you’ll be able to join League Of LIst Builders and start building your client list authentically and organically like I did.
And if you have any questions, just ask. I’m here to help.
(your name)
Go one by one through your go to list of friends and followers, reach out to them, set up a call with them, send them the thank you email (See above) after the call. Mark each person off in your go to list of friends and followers once you have guided them through each step. Remember, don’t email me asking if they signed up for the VIP Wait List. It’s your job as an affiliate to make sure they signed up or not.
Feel free to use the above pre-written template of reaching out to your friends to hop on a call to talk about LOLB (and changing it to your own wording so it feels more like you) as a script to use for social media. You can talk straight to camera, you can use the text as written copy in a post or two, as I always say make it work for you. The main thing is that it feels genuine, authentic, and just like you. So what were your positive experiences that you had during LOLB? What did it feel like? What did you learn? How did it help you build your client list? The more you speak form your own experience the more it will touch the hearts of your friends and followers.
As a Call To Action (CTA) for your social media posts leading up to when you can use your affiliate referral link - which is the Thursday before the VIP Wait List premieres (check your contract and the welcome page for those dates) the main goal is to start a conversation. No selling. Not yet. Your CTA should be for them to comment or message you on the platform that you post on and take the conversation from comment or message to email where both of you can write to each other. Pulling from the pre-written script above and making it work for you, encourage your friends and followers to ask questions, reach out, and engage with you about their journey through direct email marketing, marketing in general, and how they book their gigs for their business. Everyone’s business is run differently so if there’s some friction then it’s best to focus on the ones who engage more positively and continue the conversation via email.
You should create your own graphics and videos for this first part but just in case CLICK HERE to download the official LOLB affiliate imagery. There are a few variations and formats. Please only use the variations and formats that best fit to your social media platforms.
Phew. you made it.
Setting up your communication now will make the run of the launch go smoothly. You’ll have less distractions and can focus on what really matters - helping your friends and followers make the right decision if LOLB is a good fit for them.
Timing: reach out to friends and followers form now until the Wednesday before the VIP wait List videos premiere. The next step will be sent to you shortly so you can start preparing for that next phase.
Once you have written out all of your communication, email me at with any questions you may have or if you’d like me to look over it for you. I’m here to help. Remember, 2 sets of eyes are better than 1.
As mentioned before in the previous step, this part of the launch (which is creating, planning, and scheduling the buzz) is the most time consuming. It will all get easier the Thursday before the VIP wait List premieres until the end of launch. I promise. Keep it up. You’re doing great. Almost there.
In gratitude,
How do I see if a student or follower of mine purchased LOLB through my referral link?
Log in to your affiliate referral page and right there on the dashboard you will see the name of your student or follower who bought LOLB through your affiliate link. They also had the instruction to email you after they used your link so if they haven’t done that yet, tehn feel free to reach out to them congratulating them on joining LOLB through you and set up your delivery of their free goodies.
What if friends and followers email me or message me about LOLB? What should I say?
Answer their questions. Be a resource to them. Don’t force your LOLB affiliate referral link on them. Just be there for them. Answer their questions from your perspective on how LOLB helped you work through the struggles they are going through now. Finish your message with an open question to continue the convo. For example, “So what else are you struggling with with your marketing? Let me know.” If they come back with more (which they probably will) then answer their questions. When they don’t have any more questions then you can gently nudge them in the direction of your LOLB affilaite referral link NO EARLIER THAN THE THURSDAY BEFORE THE VIP WAIT LIST PREMIERES if you feel LOLB would be a good fit for them.
What if friends and followers don’t go through me - even if I’ve been working so hard to get them to go through me?
Shrug it off. Don’t stress about it. This may happen to one or two of your friends and followers. Just keep promoting LOLB and being crystal clear that if you want to be a resource to them for now and the first few weeks of them doing the LOLB course, then you’d appreciate them using your LOLB affilaite referral link.
What if my friends and followers accidentally don’t use my LOLB affiliate referral link, they purchase the course through another link, and think they are helping me out? What do I say?
You’ve set up your LOLB Affiliate launch beautifully. But sometimes, people get confused no matter how hard you try to direct them. At the end of the day, people have difficulty following directions even when those directions are laid out crystal clear. Unfortunately, if they didn’t use your LOLB affiliate referral link to purchase LOLB through you, then you won’t get your 50% commission.
You could say that they could cancel their recent purchase of LOLB, get their money back, and then go through your LOLB affilaite referral link but if they originally purchased at a cheaper price and only later did they realise that they made the mistake and now the price is higher than before, well then that’s the price they have to pay to join LOLB and to learn the lesson to follow directions.
When is the LOLB Affiliate payout?
Because there is a 30 day money back guarantee for LOLB we must keep in mind that although your affiliate dashboard says one thing, one of your students could change their mind and want their money back. That’s why the LOLB Affiliate Payout doesn’t happen until a few days after the 30 day money back guarantee. The countdown to the 30 days begins on Day 1 of the course. refer to your contract to see when the course officially begins then add 30 days to it. That is the cut-off date for students to get their money back. On Day 31 all LOLB Affiliates will be paid out via PayPal.
What if someone asks for their money back within the 30 day money back guarantee and that student is one of my friends or followers who went through me to purchase LOLB?
You will not get your commission from that student.