You’re all signed up! Here are the boring yet important details to set you up for success!

  1. Confirm your email address: You will get an email shortly asking you to confirm your email address. Please do so in order to get all relevant info about this webinar including the replay.

  2. Save to your contacts.This avoids any email about this webinar landing in your spam folder.

  3. Save the date: Thursday, February 23rd at 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern / 6pm UK / 7pm EU put it into your calendar so you don’t miss out.

  4. How to join the webinar: You can either click the button at the bottom of this email or in the next step copy and paste the Zoom link to your calendar. The choice is yours:-)

  5. Save this link: To join in on the free webinar here is the link you’ll need to click at the date and time mentioned above.

  6. Let’s connect: CLICK HERE to follow League Of List Builders on Instagram for more marketing tips and tricks. DM me with one thing you’re excited to learn about LOLB during the webinar.

During this webinar you’ll:

  • get the step by step course breakdown of the course, week by week, so you know what to expect

  • find out what the free bonuses worth over $2000 are

  • understand how Lifetime Access to the course allows you to do the course over again at no extra cost

  • hear success stories from past students who got great results with LOLB

  • decide if LOLB is right for you

  • get the number 1 reason why you should NOT buy the course (and a ton of reasons why you should)

  • get a personalised breakdown just for you on how LOLB can help market your creative business authentically

Can’t make it live? A replay will be sent to you afterwards.

See you in the webinar!