
You’re aware that the registration doors to League Of List Builders are open…

but you may be feeling slightly skeptical if League Of List Builders (or LOLB for short)  is a good fit for you. 

I get it. It’s a large investment in time and money. 

So to help you make the best decision possible, I’ve pooled together all the frequently asked questions about LOLB that have come through over the years. Questions like: 

  • “Is LOLB a get rich quick scam that leaves me with empty pockets and a bad attitude?”

  • “What differentiates JT from all the other coaches out there selling their secret sauce to newbies in hopes of making a quick buck?”

  • “How does the course actually work?”

  • “What if I can’t dedicate the entire 6 weeks to the course?”

  • “What if I’m horrible at staying focused?”

  • “I dislike marketing with a passion. Am I a terrible fit for LOLB or perhaps and ideal challenge?”

  • “I have zero clients. Will LOLB help?”

You’ve got questions. I’ve got answers.

So throw on this podcast while grocery shopping, building IKEA furniture, or chopping wood (seriously the best workout ever) and get your questions answered about LOLB.

Then once you’ve finished listening to the podcast I invite you to join League Of List Builders  - the creative person’s marketing plan to know exactly what to say, when to say it, and who to say it to… because seriously your timing couldn’t be better. 

The doors are now open for the course AND the Early Bird Special is still available. But not for long. 

Click the button below to save your spot AND save some cash with the Early Bird Special. 

I look forward to welcoming you on the other side. 

I’ve thrown THOUSANDS of dollars at coaches and workshops over the years, and while most were always a good investment, League Of List Builders was what I was FINALLY looking for.
— Laura B.