This year’s run of LOLB will be from Feb. 27th - April 7th. Follow the instructions below to set you up for success for this year’s run of LOLB!
7:00: get the walkthrough of how to migrate over to the new LOLB backend. CLICK HERE to go to a separate page that I show in the video with the step by step instructions on how to migrate over for free. Please use the discount code IMANLOLBER to get 100% off so you can keep your Lifetime Access without paying anything.
22:00: get the walkthrough on how to join the new and improved LOLB Alums Community Group on Slack. CLICK HERE to go to the LOLB main menu to get the proper link like I show you in the video on what to click to set up your Slack profile.
39:00: the new and improved LOLB Instagram account. CLICK HERE to follow LOLB on Insta.
41:00: Get a 50% commission from anyone who uses your referral link when they join LOLB. CLICK HERE to learn more about becoming an affiliate.