Registration doors are now open for this year’s run of League Of List Builders - the creative person’s marketing plan to know exactly what to say, when to say it, and who to say it to. Plus if you click the button below (that’s my special link) then you will be the newest LOLB student PLUS get my extra special gifts:
1. For current JZVAA students: You will be entered to win ONE free Focusrite Vocaster Two interface by signing up for LOLB using our affiliate link
2. For non-JZVAA students: You get 25% off Joe Zieja's Voice Acting Academy one-time fee after signing up for LOLB using our affiliate link
Registration doors close on Sunday, February 26th at 11:59pm.
Course runs Feb. 27th - April 7th, 2023
Course won't be offered again until 2025
with special guest Jonathan Tilley
Watch the webinar replay with special guest, Jonathan Tilley, where you will learn:
All about my League of List Builders experience.
The League of List Builders course outline.
How direct email marketing helped build my client list.
Ask Jonathan all your questions about the course.
And be the first to hear about a super-special Free Bonus that I will only announce at the end of the webinar.