Boring yet important details to set you up for success

EASY ACCESS: Bookmark this page so you have easy access to come back to it during the masterclass:

VIDEOS: All pre-recorded videos will premiere very soon so sit tight. Then you can dive in and go at your own pace.

Q&A SESSIONS: There will be 5 Q&A Sessions so you can ask your questions, get my answers, and discover your dream client along with other like-minded creatives.

Save the date, time, and Zoom link for all Q&A Sessions to your schedule.
Dates: Monday, February 5 - Friday, February 9
Time: 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern / 6pm UK / 7pm EU
Zoom link:

Can’t make the live Q&A Sessions? No problem. The replays will be sent to you.

STAY ACCOUNTABLE: Click the button below to download all the Discover Your Dream Client Accountability Instagram Stories - 1 for each day - to your desktop. Transfer them onto your phone so you can post it as an Instagram Story on that day of the masterclass, write on top how you are feeling and what you learned, and tag @leagueoflistbuilders_ in it so we can cheer you on.

COMMUNITY GROUP: CLICK HERE to set up your profile in our pop up Community Group inside Slack. Once you’ve set up your profile then all you have to do is click the button below to join in on the convo, ask your questions, get my answers, and discover your dream client alongside other like-minded creatives. If you’re having difficulty setting up your profile in the pop up Community Group, please email me at and I’ll send you an invite.

INSTAGRAM: Follow League Of List Builders on Instagram for even more tips and tricks on how to reach out to your dream client.


All videos are now unlocked.