Thanks for prepping everything for the VIP Wait List and the run of the VIP Wait List. Here’s the next step: During the week of launch. Below is the time line for this phase. For each phase I will email you a few days before we move on to each phase as a reminder. Refer to your contract for the dates if you are unsure of any dates listed below.

  • During the week of launch there will be lots of promo from my side and the other affilaites. It’s still your job to keep communicating with your list of friends who are interested in LOLB. During the week of launch there will be times when your friends will have the opportunity to click a button and join LOLB. That link is not your affilaite referral link. You must make it crystal clear that if they want to join LOLB, they should not click any other link other than your affiliate referral link in order for you to get your 50% commission. Your affilaite referral link has been set up when you first became an LOLB Affiliate.

  • Remember, they need to use your affiliate referral link in order for you to get your 50% commission. If they do not use your affiliate referral link, if they flake, if they forget, if they blank, then there’s no going back. They must use your affiliate referral link in oder for you to get your 50% commission.

Now let’s set up your branded communication. Here are some Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to promoting LOLB.

When referring to League Of List Builders here are the do’s and don’ts of wording:

League Of List Builders
League Of List Builders - the creative person’s marketing plan to know exactly what to say, when to say it, and who to say it to

League Of List Builders LOLB (use one or the other but not both together)
LLB (the correct abbreviation is LOLB)

Who to send this to: only the friends on your go to list that are interested in LOLB AND who haven’t already signed up for LOLB (you can check this by logging in to your affiliate dashboard and seeing who has and hasn’t signed up with your affiliate referral link). Remember to change the wording so it feels more like you.

For those who don’t know yet, I took League Of List Builders a while back and had some great results. (list 3 results in detail)

  • Result 1

  • Result 2

  • Result 3

And now, I’m so excited to be able to share LOLB with you as an official affiliate of the course. That means when you go through me, you not only get access to the League Of List Builders course, but I also get something special.

The Early Bird Special is only available this week until Tuesday at 11:59pm. So if you want to save hundreds off the full tuition price the time to act is now. Click this link to join LOLB through me and start building your client list authentically and organically:

(your LOLB affiliate referral link)

(sign off)

Who to send this to: only the friends on your go to list that are interested in LOLB AND who haven’t already signed up for LOLB (you can check this by logging in to your affiliate dashboard and seeing who has and hasn’t signed up with your affiliate referral link). Remember to change the wording so it feels more like you.

Something that I struggled with when building my client list was _________. I felt(list 3 bad feelings) ________, ________, and _________. And the worst part was, it didn’t move things forward. I was stuck.

But then I took League Of List Builders and I finally started to feel some momentum. What resulted from this was…. (write a few sentences of how Result #1 came to fruition).

After realising this, I felt (list 3 good feelings)_______, ________, and ________. Totally different from how I felt before. And if I can do it, I know you can do it, too.

League Of List Builders is the creative person’s marketing plan to know exactly what to say, when to say it, and who to say it to. And I’m so happy to be able to share it with you as an LOLB Affiliate.

Feeling (list the 3 good feelings again from above) is easier than you think. And I’m here to help you get there.

Click this link to start your LOLB journey along with me: (your LOLB affiliate referral link)

(sign off)

P.S. The Early Bird Special ends today, Tuesday at 11:59pm. Click my affiliate referral link above to save hundreds off the full tuition price.

Who to send this to: only the friends on your go to list that are interested in LOLB AND who haven’t already signed up for LOLB (you can check this by logging in to your affiliate dashboard and seeing who has and hasn’t signed up with your affiliate referral link). Remember to change the wording so it feels more like you.

A lot of people feel (list 3 bad feelings) _______, ______, and ________ when it comes to marketing. And rightfully so. I felt the same way.

But (during or after) League Of List Builders I realised (1 good feeling) when it comes to marketing. (write a few sentences of how Result #2 came to fruition).

Now, I have a client list full of great people who I’ve built fantastic working relationships with. And I want the same thing for you.

I know that League Of List Builders will help you get there. And now as an official LOLB Affiliate I’m excited to help you get there, too.

Click this link to join LOLB today before the registration doors close this Sunday at 11:59pm:

(your LOLB affiliate referral link)

(sign off)

Who to send this to: only the friends on your go to list that are interested in LOLB AND who haven’t already signed up for LOLB (you can check this by logging in to your affiliate dashboard and seeing who has and hasn’t signed up with your affiliate referral link). Remember to change the wording so it feels more like you.

There’s something a lot of (name the demographic of your friends: voiceover artists, actors, photographers, etc.) unnecessarily go through that pains me to see. And that is (name the thing that you struggled with before you got your Result #3)_____________.

When I was building my (name your demographic: voiceover, acting, photography, etc.) career, I thought the same thing. (Go into more detail about the thing that you struggled with before you got your Result #3.)

Then I took League Of List Builders. And that unnecessary struggle turned into a tangible result. (Go into more detail on what your Result #3 was and how it made you feel.)

If you’ve been struggling unnecessarily and want to get the same results I got, then the time to act is now.

Tonight at 11:59pm the registration doors close for League Of List Builders. Click this link to guarantee your spot in the course:

(your LOLB affiliate referral link)

(sign off)


Go one by one through your go to list of friends and reach out to them with the pre-written templates above. Mark each person off in your go to list of friends once you have guided them through each step. If you ant to check if they have signed up using your affiliate referral link then log in to your affiliate dashboard to see. Remember, don’t email me asking if they signed up for LOLB. It’s your job as an affiliate to make sure they signed up or not.

Phew. you made it.

Setting up your communication now will make the run of the launch go smoothly. You’ll have less distractions and can focus on what really matters - helping your friends and followers make the right decision if LOLB is a good fit for them.

Now it’s time to write out and schedule your social media posts for all of your launch communication.

The great news is, that you’ve already done it by writing out your emails. Feel free to use the graphics given to you in earlier steps (CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY) and chop down what you wrote into bite-sized pieces for your social media content. Use the pre-written emails above as a script if you want to speak directly to camera. As I always, say, make it work for you.
Fell free to use the examples written above as inspiration for you to change the wording so it sounds more like you.
Make sure your communication is written out and ready to go before launch officially begins. I’d highly recommend that you make a content plan that you feel will resonate with your friend and followers best that vibes with you on social.

Once you have written out all of your communication, email me at with any questions you may have or if you’d like me to look over it for you. I’m here to help. Remember, 2 sets of eyes are better than 1.

Keep it up. You’re doing great. Almost there.

In gratitude,



How do I see if a student or follower of mine purchased LOLB through my referral link?
Log in to your affiliate referral page and right there on the dashboard you will see the name of your student or follower who bought LOLB through your affiliate link. They also had the instruction to email you after they used your link so if they haven’t done that yet, tehn feel free to reach out to them congratulating them on joining LOLB through you and set up your delivery of their free goodies.

What if friends and followers email me or message me about LOLB? What should I say?

Answer their questions. Be a resource to them. Don’t force your LOLB affiliate referral link on them. Just be there for them. Answer their questions from your perspective on how LOLB helped you work through the struggles they are going through now. Finish your message with an open question to continue the convo. For example, “So what else are you struggling with with your marketing? Let me know.” If they come back with more (which they probably will) then answer their questions. When they don’t have any more questions then you can gently nudge them in the direction of your LOLB affilaite referral link NO EARLIER THAN THE THURSDAY BEFORE THE VIP WAIT LIST PREMIERES if you feel LOLB would be a good fit for them.

What if friends and followers don’t go through me - even if I’ve been working so hard to get them to go through me? 

Shrug it off. Don’t stress about it. This may happen to one or two of your friends and followers. Just keep promoting LOLB and being crystal clear that if you want to be a resource to them for now and the first few weeks of them doing the LOLB course, then you’d appreciate them using your LOLB affilaite referral link.

What if my friends and followers accidentally don’t use my LOLB affiliate referral link, they purchase the course through another link, and think they are helping me out? What do I say?

You’ve set up your LOLB Affiliate launch beautifully. But sometimes, people get confused no matter how hard you try to direct them. At the end of the day, people have difficulty following directions even when those directions are laid out crystal clear. Unfortunately, if they didn’t use your LOLB affiliate referral link to purchase LOLB through you, then you won’t get your 50% commission.

You could say that they could cancel their recent purchase of LOLB, get their money back, and then go through your LOLB affilaite referral link but if they originally purchased at a cheaper price and only later did they realise that they made the mistake and now the price is higher than before, well then that’s the price they have to pay to join LOLB and to learn the lesson to follow directions.

When is the LOLB Affiliate payout? 

Because there is a 30 day money back guarantee for LOLB we must keep in mind that although your affiliate dashboard says one thing, one of your students could change their mind and want their money back. That’s why the LOLB Affiliate Payout doesn’t happen until a few days after the 30 day money back guarantee. The countdown to the 30 days begins on Day 1 of the course. refer to your contract to see when the course officially begins then add 30 days to it. That is the cut-off date for students to get their money back. On Day 31 all LOLB Affiliates will be paid out via PayPal.

What if someone asks for their money back within the 30 day money back guarantee and that student is one of my friends or followers who went through me to purchase LOLB? 

You will not get your commission from that student.

In gratitude,
